Divorcesmart E-book
We can assist with your GEPF and ESKOM divorce pension claims or resignations.
Jacques Horn 078 519 9435
Christel du Toit 082 852 7610
Emil van Niekerk 076 472 7537 (Cape Town)
Welcome to Divorcesmart ®
Divorce navigation.
There is a substantial amount of purpose and value that you add to your decision making when you put structure to the divorce process. The saying is true that if you do not measure you can’t manage.
There are 4 potential dangers during the divorce process that you can easily drown in if you are not careful. The Divorcesmart® process is built on four pillars of divorce planning, four pillars of financial planning and four pillars of your new life plan. Our holistic Divorcesmart & Finsmart process will enable you to create & build a future living plan, with financial security. These pillars will not only get you through the process, but it will also build a great financial life after divorce and with that you get a smart life as a bonus.
We specialize in assisting clients with financial planning before and after divorce and also to claim their divorce pension benefits after divorce:
- Full financial needs analysis.
- Accrual calculation and asset division.
- Maintenance calculation and budgeting.
- Recommendation.
- Financial mediation.
- Legal referral.
- All private divorce pension and provident fund claims.
- GEPF – Government Employees Pension Fund
- Rebuilding your financial life.
- Reducing your financial vulnerability.
- Risk advise.
- Financial wellbeing.
We are happy to answer any financial inquiries and look forward to your visit or call.
Finsmart Asset Manangement (Pty) Ltd – FSP 44557
We are registered as a financial services provider with the FSB with the required licences to give advice and offer intermediary services.
Did you know?
Transfer of property with divorce
NO TRANSFER DUTY PAYABLE ON TRANSFERS OF PROPERTY ARISING FROM DIVORCE TO ONE OF THE DIVORCED SPOUSES According to clause 16 of the Business Tax Amnesty and Amendment of Taxation Laws Act No.9 of 2006 [...]
Property the right questions to ask?
Your primary residential property in a marriage is most probably your biggest asset in your combined estate. If you are married ANC with accrual or in community of property then you have a claim against [...]
Life and death financial decisions.
Should your ex-spouse die will you receive your maintenance? Should your ex-spouse pay you rehabilitative maintenance or any other maintenance such as spousal or child maintenance that has been stipulated in your divorce order, it [...]
What percentage should I claim from my spouses pension fund?
If you are married ANC with the accrual system, then it is easy to assume that you can claim 50% of your spouse's pension fund. The Divorce Act states that you are entitled to 50% of [...]
Smart Tips
Two in three marriages today end up in the divorce courts and 50% of the couples cite finances as the leading cause of dissension. I have often wondered which is more powerful, the sword or [...]
Medical aid and divorce
Affordability of medical aid on a single income becomes a balancing act sometimes. Very Important points to remember during divorce: When you and your ex agrees that you will remain on his / her medical aid, [...]